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G.D.C Rampur

Program Outcome

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BCA Programme Outcomes:

BCA programme the students will be able to:
  • Understand, analyze and develop computer programs in the areas related to algorithm, web design and networking for efficient design of computer based system. Work in the IT sector as system engineer, software tester, junior programmer, web developer, system administrator, software developer etc.
  • Apply standard software engineering practices and strategies in software project development using open source programming environment to deliver a quality of product for business success.
  • Equip themselves to potentially rich & employable field of computer applications.
  • Pursue higher studies in the area of Computer Science/Applications.
  • Take up self-employment in Indian & global software market. Meet the requirements of the Industrial standards.

B.VOC Programme Outcomes:

Understand the concepts of key areas in Retail and Tourism and hospitality management Focuses on preparing students for roles pertaining to Retail and Tourism industry An ability to enhance not only comprehensive understanding of the theory but its application too in diverse field. Developing management skills, networking skills, learn applications, packages, programming languages and modern techniques, skills and info not only about communication skills a but also in organization management.

PGDCA Programme Outcomes:

  1. 1: It will equip the students with skills required for designing, developing applications in Information Technology.
  2. 2: Students will able to learn the latest trends in various subjects of computers & information technology.
  3. 3: The PG Diploma is aimed at graduates with a computing background and provides a detailed coverage of the key concepts and challenges in data and resource protection and computer software security.
  4. 4: To give hands on to students while developing real life IT application as part of the study.
  5. 5: To train graduate students in basic computer technology concepts and information technology applications.
  6. 6: Design and develop applications to analyze and solve all computer science related problems.
Programme Specific Outcome
  1. 1: To expose the students to open Source technologies so that they become familiar with it and can seek appropriate opportunity in trade and industry.
  2. 2: Able to provide socially acceptable technical solutions to real world problems with the application of modern and appropriate programming techniques.
  3. 3: Design applications for any desired needs with appropriate considerations for any specific need on societal and industrial aspects.

Department of Physical Education:

This programme leads to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. It makes us exhibit a physically active lifestyle and helps to understand that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, face challenges and self-expression. It leads to the development of responsible social behavior while participating in various events. It develops an insight into the relationship between history, culture and origin of games. The programme improves the knowledge of rules and strategies of Particular Game and Sports. The programme also provides knowledge regarding the working of different organs of human body.

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

Programme Outcomes

To inculcate concepts of communication, its role and importance in society.
To impart the knowledge of Mass communication & Journalism covering a wide areas of studies.
To impart skills related to Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), including digital and media literacy and competencies.
To apply the objectivity and critical thinking for communicating to masses through a variety of mediums such as Short Films, Documentary Films, PTC for Television, Advertising and PR Campaign, Event Management, News Paper Production for Print.
Create awareness to become an enlightened citizen as well as a dynamic professional with commitment to deliver one’s responsibilities strictly adhering to highest standard of ethics and professionalism. In the ever evolving dynamics of communication and society continue to acquire relevant knowledge and skills appropriate to professional activities.

Programme Specific Outcomes

Understanding the fundamental relations between society, culture and communication. Provide advanced knowledge on communication theories and models.

Department of Political Science :

The discipline of Political Science opens wide horizons in the field of Laws since it is closely integrated with legal studies. The subject of Political Science inculcates and develops skills required for lucrative career in Political Journalism. Political Science ensures capacity building and grooming of budding political leaders by providing know-how about the functioning of various political systems and regional and international organisations. The study and knowledge of the subject develops and enhances the rational and value free outlook in analysing dynamics of politics. Political Science has been a popular and important option in Civil Services examinations. Political Science is an important subject in the Social Sciences combination for B. Ed. Programme

Department of History

The students gain insight and get inspired from the life’s of past kings, warriors, freedom fighters, thinkers, writers, philosophers etc. knowledge of civilizations makes us more wise and innovative in the present ages in all the fields. Studying history enables us to develop better understanding of the world in which we live and learn from our past mistakes and achievements. Building knowledge and understanding of historical events and trends, especially over the past centuries, enables us to develop a much greater appreciation for current events today. To know about remembering people, events, dates of historical significance.
Studying History can lead to all kinds of careers. Some of the more popular optionsinclude government positions (e.g. Departments of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Aboriginal Affairs), all kinds of NGOs, teaching, journalism and the media, tourism, heritage consultancy and planning, museums, libraries, archives, public history, and project management.

Department of Mathematics

Programme Specific and Course Outcomes:

The course provides in-depth knowledge of subjects like analysis which act as the building blocks for various applications such as signal and image processing, finger print compression, analysis of EEG and ECG signals. Abstract Algebra, Number Theory and Topology build the basic and core mathematical understanding of all real world shapes and geometries; building the logical reasoning for further applications in coding theory and cryptography. The Applied Mathematics provides mathematical models for various epidemics/ pandemics such as COVID19 through graphs, charts and comparative tables. Operational Research helps in solving problems of agriculture, business management, production and defence.

Department of Hindi

Program Specific and Course Outcomes Hindi

On Completion of B.A. (Hindi) students are able to understand the basic concepts, subjects of Hindi and its origin. To know about Hindi Literature its roots, cause, perspective and methods. Elaborating and understanding its philosophical methods of Hindi Literature. Evaluating the concept of Hindi from past to present and making the society more closely through Literature. In many states of the India Hindi is spoken and it prove a link language in society. Hindi being a National language is a dominantly spoken in all most entire country and acts to unite people across India.

Department of Tourism and Travel Management

rogram Objectives

The main objectives of BA Tourism programs are as:-

  1. 1. To make student aware about the tourism and different activities related to tourism.
  2. 2. To make student aware about the different tourism products of India (in the world too up to some extent)
  3. 3. To provide knowledge about the cultural heritage of India.
  4. 4. To make students familiar about the different formalities for opening a travel agency, hotel, home stay, camping site etc.
  5. 5. To educate student to start their own tourism related enterprises.
  6. 6. To educate students to join in travel agency/ tour operator jobs.

Department of English

The Department of English at G.B Pant Memorial college is the most illustrious department of the college. The guiding spirit of the faculty of the department is diverse and the department deals with a curriculum that covers language, literature, theory from unfamiliar Indian writers to the Western canonical texts. The department deals with interdisciplinary students and thus promotes discipline related dialogue and knowledge based critical thinking.
Programme Outcome
The department believes that moral aspect of teaching and as it deals primarily with literature and language it becomes obvious to derive moral values and ethics from literature since students mature and become reliable members of the society.
At the core of the department, we value to convey knowledge of literary history, literary forms, literary theory through wide array of texts. This type of pedagogy provides students with sophisticated understanding of indigenous and foreign culture through multi-lingual texts that explore identity, values morals and manners.

Specific learning outcomes for English courses include the following:
  1. 1. Reading: Students will gain awareness about the best literary traditions of the world. By learning how others live and handle their lives, one becomes connected with the world in a way we might not otherwise experience. They will discover that they are part of a huge conglomerate of human thought and emotion. All the great texts that a student of English honours will get chance to study will expand their range of experience. They can gain courage and strength by living vicariously through well-developed characters. Through reading students will have an awareness for varies perspectives. This will also expand their range of experience and in the process they will learn to be more empathetic toward the plights of others.
  2. 2. Literature, Nation and Tradition: The current syllabus in the UG level will provide students an opportunity to know India’s age old literary and cultural tradition through their exposure to Sanskrit texts and modern Indian vernacular literature in translation. How reading literature in English can be an effective means to address the complex issues of identity, nationalism , historical tradition in Indian context, is a new focus area of the present course.
  3. 3. Awareness about Culture and History: Students gain an understanding of the relations between culture, history and texts. They learn to use texts as a gateway to various cultural traditions and interpret them in their historical contexts. How a literary text can appear as an ideal platform to locate dominant and marginalized voices of a society, is an important focus of the under-graduate literature progrmme.
  4. 4.Gaining of Critical Insight: An exposure to various social and cultural traditions and through the reading of representative texts from different periods help a student gain a critical insight about the reality as a whole. With the help of their Knowledge of various critical theories it is expected that they will be able to construct their own meaning about the reality and his historical situatedness.
  5. 5. Issue of Sexuality and Gender: Literature course teaches a student to believe that one's own sense of identity is not enough to persuade the rest of the world to agree. Human beings are no longer bound by such binary concepts as male-female or masculine-feminine.
  6. 6. Writing skills and Process: Students will be able to recognize and comprehend different varieties of English language and develop a writing style of their own. English honours students should be aware also that textual analysis can be extended with profit to political, journalistic, commercial, technical, and web-based writing. It is expected that their exposure to the ideas of variety of writers and their cultural backgrounds, will have a bearing in their own literary styles. With the development of their writing skills and finesse of style there will be a possibility of them emerging as perspective writers, editors, content developers, teachers etc.
  7. 7.Means of Effective Communication: Study of literature is intertwined with the study of language . Learning various language patterns, sentence structures and dialogue forms can help one in real life in effectively communicating with others. English is the language of science, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Knowing English increases students’ chances of getting a good job in future.

Department of Public Administration

To provide a thorough understanding of the role of the Government at Central, State and Local. Understanding of Administrative Theory, Indian, Personnel, Financial, Local and Development Administration Course Outcomes Familiarization with the types of Government organizations in India, the personnel and financial management therein and the working of administration at Union, State and Local levels . It has other avenues such as Academia, business and social organizations like Centre for Rural Reconstruction and Development, Indian Institute / State Institute of Public Administration etc. Public Sector Undertakings, Mass Media and Civil Services or jobs as Political Observers and Correspondents

Department of Sociology

Learners are exposed to various sociological perspectives through Indian and foreign thinkers and develops research aptitude for testing theories and accumulation of knowledge Course Outcomes Provides in-depth study of various terms, concepts and processes which help learners in formulating a sociological imagination and comprehensive understanding of the discipline, for social transformation of our society Avenues Competitive exams as well as job prospects in Governmental and Non-governmental organizations

Bachelor of Commerce

Course Outcomes

Provides specialized understanding of concepts, policies and contemporary issues of accounting, along with theoretical and practical background of investments and financial markets Avenues Higher education like M.Com, MBA etc. or a professional degree in Accounting and Finance. Careers in Banking, Finance, Accounting, in the Government or in the Private Sector Economics Graduate Attributes Imparts information related to Economic Development and growth and enables learners to use current and emerging data related to Economic Environment for analytical practices The course is an integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes that sustain an environment of learning and creativity among the students. The course aims to impart knowledge about the theories and concepts of Accounting, Taxation, Organisation Behaviour, Finance, Human Resource and Marketing Management to the learners. Learners are familiarized with different aspects of entrepreneurship and also develop adequate soft-skills to react aptly in decision making situations
Course Outcomes
Along with the basic knowledge of Commerce, learners are provided with specialized knowledge and skills related to International Trade, Industrial Structure and Economic Development Avenue. The graduates can pursue a Masters degree in Economics, Commerce, and Management or appear for Indian Economic Services (IES) Careers in Economic Analysis, Financial Planning Bachelor of Science B.Sc. Medical (General)
Knowledge related to subjects in pure sciences such as Chemistry, Zoology and Botany Evolutionary trends, environmental interactions and economic importance of flora and fauna Structure, function, properties and reactions of chemical compounds
Course Outcomes
Critical thinking, practical skills and research aptitude using research based pedagogical tools Building up entrepreneurial skills and interdisciplinary approach in providing better solutions and new ideas for sustainable development Avenues Higher studies in Institutes of National repute and research in Chemical / Biological Sciences Job opportunities in Education, Environment, Agriculture, Health, Pharmaceutical and allied sectors Entrepreneurs B.Sc. Non-Medical
Developing ability of independent, critical enquiry and an aptitude for implementation of knowledge of Physics in technical writing Ability to synthesize and evaluate knowledge including experimental design, project planning etc. Course Outcomes Theoretical as well as practical knowledge of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Helps to develop scientific temper which encourages scientific evolution of society.
Higher Studies, Research, Entrepreneurship, Indian Civil services or Indian Armed Forces The course enables learners to opt for any of these avenues: Academia, Research Scientist, Technical Authors, Data analyst, Meteorologist, Radiologist, Nanotechnologist, Radiation protection practitioner or Chemist

Department of Geography

Programme Objectives:

Geography mainly concerns changes in spatial attributes in a temporal perspective. The programme in geography is tailored to meet the students’ specific educational and professional goals in mind. It focuses on spatial studies, qualitative as well as quantitative, and emphasises on human-environment relationship. During the first year of the programme, the students are trained on advanced concepts of physical and human geography. The third year allows them to concentrate on specific areas of the subject, on which they complete their field reports. After completing the course, the students will be amply prepared for professional careers in geography and allied disciplines like GIS and Remote Sensing. They will also be able to pursue M.A. /M.Sc. Course in Geography.

  1. 1. Acquiring Knowledge of Physical Geography: Student will gain the knowledge of physical geography. Student will have a general understanding about the geomorphological and geotechnical process and formation. They will be able to correlate the knowledge of physical geography with the human geography.
  2. 2. Acquiring Knowledge of Human Geography: They will be able to acquire the knowledge of Human Geography and will correlate it with their practical life.
  3. 3. Ability of Problem Analysis: Student will be able to analyse the problems of physical as well as cultural environments of both rural and urban areas. Moreover they will try to find out the possible measures to solve those problems.
  4. 4.Conduct Social Survey Project: They will be eligible for conducting social survey project which is needed for measuring the status of development of a particular group or section of the society.
  5. 5. Application of modern instruments: Students will be able to learn the application of various modern instruments and by these they will be able to collect primary data.
  6. 6.Enhancement of the ability of Management: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the management principles and apply these to theirs own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects. They will perform effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  7. 7. Understand Environmental Ethics and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the acquired knowledge in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of need for sustainable development. PSO11.Life-long learning: Identify the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of societal and environmental change.

Department of Education

This is a three year undergraduate degree programme where the learners are educated in domain of Education and its application. The core objective of this programme is to build right attitude and values among the students needed for teaching profession and in the perspective of local, national and global concerns.

  1. 1. Enable to comprehend the development in physical, cognitive, social and emotional areas, contemporary issues and educational policies of education system in India, teaching-learning methods, strategies, epistemological basis of education, school management, professional ethics and observation of school activities by school internship.
  2. 2.Understand the individual differences among students, measuring the attainment, evaluating progress, and assessing learning abilities, guidance programmes and administering psychological tools, ICT based Communication and teaching and lesson planning.
  3. 3.Practice teaching in Schools, inculcate the real experiences of classroom teaching and online teaching for remote areas’ students by using ICT and its different tools and software. 4.Understand the classroom diversities and enable them to deal with diverse learners in inclusive classroom setup, education for human rights and women empowerment, environmental education and developing online content.

This programme will
To prepare teacher educators who have sound knowledge base, essential professional skills and human qualities.
To break new grounds in educational research, nurture the existing potentials and encourage inter-disciplinary and collaborative research.
To groom prospective teachers to meet the challenges encountered by advancements in the use of ICT in classroom instructions.

Department of Music

Programme Specific outcome

The students will be able to give a practical demonstration of ragas for a period of at least half an hour Students will be able to demonstrate various aspects of ragas and their differentiation. Students will be studies about the theoretical aspects of the prescribed ragas Students will be learning to write the practical compositions according to the Notation system Students will be understanding the basic terminologies of Indian music Students will be studies about the compositional forms and notation systems of Hindustani music Students will be studies about the life and contribution of the composers of Hindustani music, Western music and Carnatic

Course Outcome

The student is to understand the basic terminologies of Indian music.

Students learn to write the practical compositions according to the Notation system. Student studies about the theoretical aspects of ragas which includes classification of instruments, various forms of Hindustani vocal music and merits and demerits of vocalists. The student is able to give a practical demonstration of the prescribed ragas and is able to demonstrate various aspects of ragas and their differentiation.
The student studies about the compositional forms of Hindustani music. Students learn to write the practical compositions according to the Notation system. Students studies about the theoretical aspects of ragas. The student is able to give a practical demonstration of the prescribed ragas and is able to demonstrate various aspects of ragas and their differentiation. The student studies the texts of ancient scholars of Hindustani music Students learns about the life and contribution of the composers of Hindustani music. The student learns about the music in the Vedic period, the Ramayan and the Mahabharata. Students study the works on Indian music by medieval authors. Students studies about the Gharanas of Hindustani music. Students learn about the musical forms of Hindustani music.

Department of Sanskrit

Sanskrit is a very rich language of IE language group. Sanskrit is a medium to know about ancient Indian history, culture, religion, social life through its text. The academic programme of both Honours and General degree courses are designed not only professional skill but also develop a deep understanding of rich heritage and dynamic prevalent scenario of India through various Sanskrit texts.

  1. 1. Develop a strong concept of ancient Indian history, philosophy and literature.
  2. 2. Enhance communication skills-Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.
  3. 3. Students will be able to write Devnagari scripts which provide them paleographical knowledge to read out the script of modern languages like Hindi and Marathi.
  4. 4. Increase in depth knowledge of the Core Areas of the subject.
  5. 5. Students will demonstrate the skill needed to participate in conversation that builds knowledge with collaboration.
  6. 6. Reasonable understanding of multi-disciplinary relevance of literature of Sanskrit like Veda, Philisophy, Grammar, Kavya, Smitisastra etc.
  7. 7. To make them eligible for higher education.
  8. 8. Develop research aptitude and independent thinking.

Bachelor of Science B.Sc. Medical (General)

Knowledge related to subjects in pure sciences such as Chemistry, Zoology and Botany Evolutionary trends, environmental interactions and economic importance of flora and fauna Structure, function, properties and reactions of chemical compounds

Course Outcomes

Critical thinking, practical skills and research aptitude using research based pedagogical tools Building up entrepreneurial skills and interdisciplinary approach in providing better solutions and new ideas for sustainable development Avenues Higher studies in Institutes of National repute and research in Chemical / Biological Sciences Job opportunities in Education, Environment, Agriculture, Health, Pharmaceutical and allied sectors Entrepreneurs

B.Sc. Non-Medical

Developing ability of independent, critical enquiry and an aptitude for implementation of knowledge of Physics in technical writing Ability to synthesize and evaluate knowledge including experimental design, project planning etc. Course Outcomes Theoretical as well as practical knowledge of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Helps to develop scientific temper which encourages scientific evolution of society.
Higher Studies, Research, Entrepreneurship, Indian Civil services or Indian Armed Forces The course enables learners to opt for any of these avenues: Academia, Research Scientist, Technical Authors, Data analyst, Meteorologist, Radiologist, Nanotechnologist, Radiation protection practitioner or Chemist

Department of Economics

Programme Outcomes are the indicators of knowledge, skills and attitudes a graduate should have at the time of graduation. The General Programme Outcomes under the Department of Economics are as under:

In-depth & Specialised knowledge: The graduates in Economics will be capable to understand the concepts and processes related to this field of study. They are able to demonstrate procedural knowledge and skills in areas related to their specialization and current developments, including a critical understanding of the latest developments in the areas of study. They also have the ability to use established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the areas of study.

Analytical and critical thinking: A graduate in Economics is capable to demonstrate independent learning, analytical and critical thinking of a wide range of ideas and complex problems and issues.
Interdisciplinary Perspective: After completing graduation in Economics the students are supposed to have commitment to intellectual openness and developing understanding beyond subject domains.
Communication Competence: Graduates in Economics are expected exhibit effective oral and written communicative skills to covey disciplinary/subject knowledge and to communicate the results of studies undertaken in an academic field accurately in a range of different contexts using the main concepts, constructs and techniques of the subject(s) of study.
Career development: Students after completing the BA in Economics programme is supposed to show proficiency in academic, professional, soft skills and employability required for higher education and placements.
Commitment to the society and the Nation: the Graduates are able to recognise the importance of social, environmental, human and other critical issues faced by humanity at the local, national and international level; appreciate the pluralistic national culture and the importance of national integration.

  • Understand basic concepts and theories of economics
  • Understand the relation/conflict between economic growth & environmental Problems as well as economic growth & Social inequality.
  • Have the idea of government economic policies both at national & international Level.
  • Ability to Comprehend and evaluate economic policies at various levels.
  • Ability to understand Financial Markets & its working.
  • Familiarity with basic quantitative tools and their applications in economics.
  • Development of interest in taking up higher studies in economics, including research.